NeoAid.com allows you to generate free donations for charity by doing the things you usually do online, like searching and shopping. You can carry on using the sites you know and trust, like Google and Yahoo! for searching, or the likes of Amazon.com, Best Buy or Barnes & Noble for shopping (actually, about 1,000 online merchants to choose from), but by using NeoAid as a portal, you'll ensure that advertising revenue from these sites goes to charity.  If you're a NeoAid member, you can choose which cause(s) will benefit from your actions, be it the WWF (environment), World Food Program (poverty), City of Hope (cancer), Amnesty International (human rights), IFAW (animals), Direct Relief (emergency aid) or UNICEF (children). And by being active on the site, you even stand a chance of winning in a monthly prize draw. NeoAid is a simple way to make making a difference in the world a part of your daily routine   Main URL: http://www.neoaid.com Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/pages/NeoAid/144063490044 Twitter: http://twitter.com/neoaid