Christian Aid and the Burma Cyclone Appeal

Please donate what you can to our Burma appeal.
Christian Aid’s Burmese partners have been able to respond in the immediate aftermath, using the supplies already available to them.

However, the scale of this disaster means that the response needs to be on a vast scale which can only happen if the Burmese regime allows international aid agencies into the country.

‘Supplies will run out unless more aid is allowed into the country,’ says Ray Hasan, Christian Aid’s Burma expert.

‘Our partners are saying that there are outbreaks of disease already. There is no time to lose.’

Supplies needed urgently Christian Aid partners urgently need more supplies of water purification tablets, medicines including salt solutions, mosquito nets, blankets and clothing and materials to rebuild homes.

They report that people are asking for rice seeds, as their supplies have been damaged. Unless people plant the seeds in the next month, they will have no supplies of rice until May 2009.

In the longer term there will be the need to rebuild houses, create early warning systems and improve infrastructure that can withstand cyclones.  

What your donation can do • £4 could provide water purification tablets for 10 people for one day (3 litres per person)

• £10 could provide a relief kit for a family that would include some food, water purification tablets and medicine

• £20 could help provide two relief packages containing water purification tablets, medicines and food

• £40 could pay for an early-warning system such as loudspeakers and flags for a community

• £100 could help pay towards materials for temporary shelters.


Burma: supplies running lowMay 11 2008 Christian Aid is already helping people on the ground in Burma and will be able to spend £2 million on effective relief work in the coming weeks and months.

However the scale of this disaster means that the response needs to be on massive scale which can only happen if the Burmese government allows international aid agencies into the country.

Currently Christian Aid partners are distributing water purification tablets, blankets and medicines to 100,000 people. Supplies are being sourced from within Burma, but that will become more difficult as time goes by.

‘Supplies will run out unless more aid is allowed into the country,’ said Ray Hasan, Christian Aid’s Burma expert. ‘Partners are telling that there are outbreaks of disease already. There is no time to lose.’

Christian Aid has been working in Burma for 20 years and our local partners have the local knowledge to reach some of the most remote areas which have been hit by the cyclone.

Christian Aid partners urgently need more supplies of water purification tablets, medicines including salt solutions, mosquito nets, blankets and clothing and materials to rebuild homes.

They report that people are asking for rice seeds, as their supplies have been damaged. Unless people plant the seeds in the next month, they will have no supplies of rice until May 2009.

Please give generously.