There are lots of ways to choose a dog. At Dogs Trust, the UK ’s largest dog welfare charity, we think rehoming is the best one. The dedicated staff at our 18 Rehoming Centres in the UK and Ireland provide a warm, caring environment for every dog until a loving home is found. Our sponsor a dog scheme helps us give dogs that take a long time to find the right home a safe haven for as long as it takes, because we never put a healthy dog down.

Other things your donations help us do are:

·          Educating future dog owners through free school workshops, supported by a website packed with teaching resources and games for pupils

·          Spreading the word about responsible dog ownership

·          Running low-cost neutering and microchipping campaigns in low income areas

·          Lobbying for positive changes in animal welfare legislation

To find out more:



·          Follow us on Twitter  

·          Visit our website

·           Read our blog

·           Find us on Facebook

·           Say hello on bebo

·          Comment on MySpace



Many thanks for your support!





Alexandra Goldstein

Digital Marketing Officer, Dogs Trust

17 Wakley Street , London EC1V 7RQ

020 7837 0006 | 020 7833 7706 (direct)